Clip mounts for table screen - Silencio

175 kr

Clip mount for Silencio table screens to anchor the screen to the desk. 2 mounts are used for 70-140 cm screens and 3 mounts for +160 cm screens. The clamps are available in black, white and silver gray and are sold individually.


Clip mount for Silencio table screens
Clip mount for Silencio table screens to anchor the screen to the desk. 2 mounts are used for screens measuring 70-140 cm, 3 mounts are used for +160 cm screens. The clamp is sold individually.

Areas of use
The mobile mount fits our table screens in the Silencio series but also works against other dimensions, double check before ordering to be on the safe side.

2 years

Clip mounts for table screens are available in black, white and silver grey.